@article{oai:toin.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000501, author = {関根, 広介 and 奥, 知子 and 山内, 忍 and 本橋, 由香 and 佐藤, 敏夫}, issue = {44}, journal = {桐蔭論叢, Research bulletin, Toin University of Yokohama}, month = {Jun}, pages = {149--153}, title = {Measurement of booster pump vibration in a hemodialysis machine and assessment of operational status by Fast Fourier Transform analysis}, year = {2021}, yomi = {セキネ, コウスケ and オク, トモコ and ヤマウチ, シノブ and モトハシ, ユカ and サトウ, トシオ} }